How many times in your life you dreamt of something… desired it… and then said: One Day.
One day I will do that
One day I will have it
One day I will dare
The problem with this approach is that the only thing you know is that you don’t know if you will be here tomorrow.
You probably think that the “One Day” syndrome is the result of internal resistance caused by:
- Fear
- Fear of change
- Fear of the unknown
and the struggle to take a leap of faith
The truth is that the “One Day” syndrome is caused by lack of self-permission to live authentically and make money without hustling, but rather doing work that doesn’t feel like work.
If you have been saying “one day” – consider this invitation as the Universe answering your message.
Here is my invitation to you! We are going to dive into two different scenarios:
First: Giving yourself permission to embark on the journey of self fulfillment – Dare
Second: Not giving yourself permission to do so – Staying where you are and continue like this for years to come
- Find a quiet room and sit in comfortably. Turn off any distractions. This is your sacred time
- Grab a pen and paper or your journal if you have one
- Now imagine that you give yourself permission to embark on the journey/goal that you have been putting off for “one day”.
See yourself doing it now - Now ask yourself: What’s the worst that can happen if I dare?
Allow the answers to come from within and write it down - Now ask yourself again, what’s the worst that can happen of this is the case
(“this” refers to your answer in step #4) - Write down the answer and repeat the process
- Keep asking the same question again and again “what’s the worst that can happen” from the previous answer until you reach the deepest place you can arrive to. It feels like digging into the rabbit hole
- This is not supposed to feel comfortable, in fact you might feel emotional doing so
Once you finished, Repeat the process but with the second scenario:
- Imagine that you DON’T give yourself permission to embark on the journey/goal that you have been putting off for “one day”
See yourself staying where you are for many more years, nothing changing! - Now ask yourself: What’s the worst that can happen if I stay in the current situation?
Allow the answers to come from within and write it down - Now ask yourself again, what’s the worst that can happen of this is the case
(“this” refers to your previous answer) - Write down the answer and repeat the process
- Keep asking the same question again and again “what’s the worst that can happen” from the previous answer until you reach the deepest place you can arrive to
- This is not supposed to feel comfortable, in fact you might feel emotional doing so
This exercise is different than writing the “pros” and “cons” because you are digging into your hidden limiting perceptions, the deepest part of your mindset that is keeping you stuck and in fact running the show.
Once you have completed the excavation in both scenarios, ask yourself:
Is the fear of NOT leaping bigger or worse than the fear of leaping?
For most of our students, the fear of finding themselves in the same place where they are 3, 5 or 10 years from now is unbearable.
This email is not a marketing bluff, this is your life, real lives, real people, real REGRETS!
- If you are ready to transform your passion and gift for helping people, into your profession
- If you are ready to leap your hobby into a career
- If you are ready to explore, how you can shift from “ONE DAY” to “DAY ONE”