I Know How To Cause And Co-Create My Destiny

To truly cause and co-create our destiny, it starts with dreaming. Our dreams ignite the spark of possibility ✨But in the end, it all comes down to one thing, our choices.

☝️There’s a difference between thoughts/feelings, and actions. It’s in that space—between what we think/feel and what we end up doing that the magic resides.

Conscious Choice is exercised by creating space between our thoughts, feelings, and actions. In that space lies the power to choose deliberately🙏.

When we pause, we can choose to act not based on fear or present limitations, but in alignment with our dreams, our future self, and where we want to be.

It’s about stepping beyond where we are now and acting with intention toward the life we truly desire🙌.

The key is recognizing that in the space between thought and action lies the power to choose differently, to choose growth, and to co-create the future we envision🥰.

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