I Know How To Truly Feel In Control Of My Life

🤔As the year begins, I’ve found myself reflecting a lot on the idea of control, what it means, what it doesn’t, and how it shapes our lives.

To be in control, in the truest sense, is to recognize and accept the limits of our control. It’s understanding that the ultimate power, the source of all creation, often referred to as the Light, is what guides and sustains everything. We, as individuals, are not the originators of this power; we are its channels.

Our role isn’t to dominate or manipulate outcomes but to become channels for the Light, to let it flow through us into the world✨. Being in control, therefore, means taking responsibility for how we channel this energy, through our:



Words and intentions

In other words, we control our choices: whether we act with kindness, compassion, and purpose, or allow ego, fear, or doubt to block the Light.

True control isn’t about dominating outcomes or forcing circumstances. Instead, it’s about becoming a clear, willing vessel for the Light to work through us🙏.

As we step into this new year, let’s focus less on trying to control every detail and outcome and more on becoming a vessel for the Light. It’s a shift, but one that feels freeing.

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