Everything is Okay in My World

This week I want to share a special message I learned from my mother. See, my mother often likes to say “ everything is okay in my world”! Now that I understand her meaning behind it, I could not agree with her more.

How would we feel if we just told ourselves “everything Is ok in my world”?

Remember, in the past, I have spoken about gratitude and the positive impact of being grateful for all the things that show up in our lives, even those that are far from what we wanted.

Another way of having this type of gratitude would be by simply telling ourselves “everything is ok in my world”.

By using this line of thought and saying this, all the negative things that are not okay will slowly fall behind naturally as you continue on your journey.

How come? Simply because they will no longer match the vibration of “all is good in my life”!

Much love

Gaby ✨

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