I Know How To Be & Feel a Winner in My Life

The other day, I heard these words about winning, and they really resonated with me:

“I never met anyone in any area of their life that wins accidentally. Winning is a series of intentional acts over a period of time, most of which are unpleasant at the time but yield results.” Dave Ramsey

🤔It made me reflect on how often we wait for that one big move, one golden opportunity, or one magical solution that will suddenly create a breakthrough in our lives.

But the truth is, breakthroughs aren’t the result of just one moment. They come from a series of intentional, sometimes uncomfortable, actions taken consistently over time 💪.

🫂This reminded me of something I always emphasize in the coaching certification: building a coaching practice is not like putting up a pre-fabricated wall. It’s a process of laying one brick at a time, client by client. Each session, each connection, each step forward adds to the foundation of something solid and lasting🫂.

When you start taking those steps, you don’t just build your practice—you build the feeling of being a winner. By acting intentionally, you begin to embody the winner within you ✨.

So, I invite you to reflect: Where in your life have you stopped building and started waiting for an accidental win? What can you start doing now to lay the next brick on your path to success and begin embodying the winner within you?

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