I Know How To Live My Life With Faith & Complete Trust

Faith and trust are two powerful forces that play distinct roles in our lives🙏

Faith is the belief in the inherent goodness of life—a constant and passive force that reassures us that goodness exists.

Trust, on the other hand, is more personal and dynamic. It’s the belief that this goodness will reach us, especially in times of challenge. While faith provides a sense of hope, trust is the antidote to worry.

🙏Trust is awakened and exercised when we face difficulties. It’s in these moments that we actively choose to believe that what seems impossible for us is possible for God.

🙏Trust is not just a belief; it’s a practice—an ability we naturally possess from the moment we are in the womb, where even a baby instinctively trusts.

When we practice trust, we align ourselves with the infinite possibilities that God offers.

✨Trust is the bridge that takes us from the realm of the possible to the extraordinary, where miracles happen, and the impossible becomes a reality✨🙏

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