I know My Efforts Are Always Rewarded

Happy Friday ThetaHealers!

This week I invite you to ask yourself a single question;

Would you take more action if you were guaranteed that your efforts would not be wasted?

The feeling of wasted effort or time often holds us back, and clouds our minds. When this happens it is important you remember this:

The Creator is efficient and wise. Nothing is ever wasted, nothing happens for “no reason”.

Same as every program in your subconscious mind is serving you (even the limiting ones) simply because your brain is efficient and won’t store any data that is not of use in some way, the same principle applies to your efforts.

Our role in this creation is to create by taking aligned action and putting effort. Our efforts are never wasted, they are always rewarded however sometimes not in the way or timing we expected.

It is liberating to embark on new projects with a mindset of “I’ll do my best and the results are not up to me”, but with the assurance that no effort will go unrewarded. 

It’s about trusting Life and The Creator that everything that happens to us is either:

  1. Preparing us for what’s coming
  2. Closing a past door that stayed opened and needed to be closed for our benefit

This feels to me like one of our biggest lessons in life.

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Much love,

Gaby ✨

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