Upscale & Grow Your Impact
Can I help you finally launch and upscale your coaching and holistic practice?
Can I actually do the work WITH YOU? Like seriously… help you design, correct and finalize your program, content and messaging?
Can I help you finally launch and upscale your coaching and holistic practice?
Can I actually do the work WITH YOU? Like seriously… help you design, correct and finalize your program, content and messaging?
DNA 3 is the long awaited class for advanced ThetaHealing® students because it allows participants to experience a paradigm shift and take their experience and work with the The Creator of All that is to a whole different level.
The ThetaHealing dig deeper course explores the deep and elusive origins of the issues we experience in our lives. Practitioners are taught an incredible technique called “Digging”: a narrative style approach that allows us to comfortably discover the hidden perceptions that can block us
In this course we explore advanced concepts of the power of co-creation energy. Covering the 4 levels of the subconscious that ThetaHealing® method is based upon. The ThetaHealing You and the Creator Course covers methods to discern whether the messages are coming from The Creator or is just your intuition or higher self speaking to you.
In the ThetaHealing Basic DNA Course you are going to learn to understand your brain, why your life circumstances are what they are and the 4 Levels of our Limiting Perceptions. You don’t need to be intuitive to connect to the theta brainwave. Everyone has this ability, and, in this course, you will start to awaken to and develop your intuitive abilities. This will allow you to tap into your inner wisdom and make decision from a place of alignment.
Can I help you finally launch and upscale your coaching and holistic practice?
Can I actually do the work WITH YOU? Like seriously… help you design, correct and finalize your program, content and messaging?
Are You Ready To Harness The Power Of All That Is? This class completes the foundational levels of ThetaHealing® and is the second of the two pre-requisites required to take other ThetaHealing® classes. Advanced ThetaHealing® is filled with hundreds of downloads that enlighten. People come away from this class with a deeper understanding of ThetaHealing® ... Read more
In Vianna’s words – you will learn “How to use the ThetaHealing Manifesting & Abundance Manual as a universal tool of self discovery to utilize your potential.”
The ThetaHealing dig deeper course explores the deep and elusive origins of the issues we experience in our lives. Practitioners are taught an incredible technique called “Digging”: a narrative style approach that allows us to comfortably discover the hidden perceptions that can block us
In the ThetaHealing Basic DNA Course you are going to learn to understand your brain, why your life circumstances are what they are and the 4 Levels of our Limiting Perceptions. You don’t need to be intuitive to connect to the theta brainwave. Everyone has this ability, and, in this course, you will start to awaken to and develop your intuitive abilities. This will allow you to tap into your inner wisdom and make decision from a place of alignment.
It is possible for you to experience the most beautiful relationship. A relationship that will flow with ease and grace in which you love and support each other in your mission.
This isn’t just a weight loss seminar! It is finding a real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for your self through your own dreams and desires! This seminar teaches Vianna’s secrets to weight loss.
It isn’t about who is the skinniest or most beautiful! It’s about being comfortable in your own body and finding inner peace and happiness through accepting who you are.