I Know How To Keep The Passion In My Relationship

There is a common myth, that keeping the passion alive in a long-term relationship is challenging to say the least.

🙄Well, I believe that if you are married yes! That’s true. The passion will wind down with time.

🤗However, if you “do marriage” – then I believe that to be a myth.

The idea is to be actively invested in the relationship 20 years after as you were in the first years and realize that intimacy starts outside the bedroom when we flirt, play, laugh, communicate and more.✨

The invitation is to use our senses to do more of that. For example:


Listen to the music you used to when you started dating.

Use flirty language and subtle innuendos with each other


Take care of yourself and your look. Avoid walking in the house with a floppy look, this sends a message to your partner that you don’t care to look good for them, only for other people when you go out.

Notice and Highlight changes. Compliment each other for their looks, actions, efforts, for a new haircut, new outfit etc.


Buy your spouse a perfume. Smell is deeply connected to memories.


Flirt, use occasional touch

Kiss and look into your partner’s eyes when you arrive home and leave to your day.

Hold hands when walking outside

Hug and cuddle first in the morning

🤔It’s funny how we need to remind ourselves about these beautiful acts, but always remember to grab our phones everywhere we go.

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